
Self-Help For Pain

“I wanted to write to you immediately after our session to thank you again. But then more things to say kept coming up such as, the very notion of regaining proper use of tightly held joints such as mine by the mere release of fascial tissue is so revolutionary and simple that it is hard to believe. Yet I believe it to be true, and whenever tightness comes back I just reapply pressure and the tightness and pain goes away.

The same goes for a lower lumbar right side stretch and calf/ankle stretch and/or release. Amazing! No digging hard into the TFL with a massage device or stretching all night and day to no avail – just relax and release; such a new concept to challenge long-held beliefs about holding patterns that I would like to learn and do more of this.

I am doing fine. The last 3 days at work walking have gotten progressively better and I am staying positive about recovery.”


General Feedback

“Thank you for an informative and life changing afternoon. I look forward to working with you. After meeting you I know I am making the right choice in using your program.”

Optimal Walking Clinic participant, Greg S., Feb. 2010

Seminars For Karate Instructors, 2008 – 2009

“Thank you again for your time, dedication and enthusiasm. The learning environment you created was amazing. I have come away with a lot to apply
and think about. I look forward to being a part of the next project. Thanks for everything. It was a great learning experience for everyone and I am looking forward to our contribution to the world of martial arts.”


Optimal Walking Workshop, January 2009

“I want to thank you so much for the great class on Sunday Jan 18th. It was a pleasure to experience your teaching & I also thoroughly enjoyed working with the other students in the class – they were fun and so open to sharing – what a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon! I’ve become highly conscious of my walking and gait and the best news is that I had tremendous improvement in an area that has consistently given me trouble…I’m very excited about this learning & of course, to be pain free is beyond words – so, I wanted to express my appreciation for your knowledge & expertise in teaching us. I’m motivated to learn much more & will keep in touch for follow-up seminars/workshops.”

L. M.

Very Logical!

“The logic and technique of your approach is very impressive.”
N.M., Richmond Hill
Creating a Stand-Up Computer Workstation

Dianne, please find attached a picture of my new office. The stand up work station is under the mirror. I love it. Thanks for your help, and I highly recommend it to anyone. It does take a while to get used to standing. But, I feel much better and definitely more productive.



“I took a wonderful workshop at the Laban Conference in Novemeber [08] in NYC with Dianne Woodruff, CMA, PhD on hip abduction. Dianne had us observe different initiations of side leg lifts. Many people were lifting from the back, the quadratus, the tensor facia latae, etc. She had us do some very simple things to wake up the hip abductors and make sure the initiation stays correct.

Alignment is a key. Do you have a good head-tail-conncection? Dianne had us tap the side of our hips, the gluteus medius & minimus. Then we lifted our leg up cueing to where we had tapped. After each lift, we had to rest.

The rest helped me to get a new length of my abductors and assure the initiation was happening in the correct muscular use. It was amazing how by working correctly how standing changed. So many people are lifting their legs without being conscious of their form. Form is the key. Doing a 100 legs lifts wrong can do more to strain your back to shorten than toning your legs.”

Lesley P.

Anatomy Course

“A few weeks have passed since we completed the Body In Motion Anatomy course & I’ve just been allowing the learning to sink in & to filter through all the many things we discussed in class. I’m so glad I took the course – at first, I felt slightly overwhelmed but as I continued, and became used to the language & terminology I actually began to really enjoy it – and now I’m left with a deep appreciation for our body (the design, how it works and functions, how it supports our living life – it is truly amazing)

This has given me a great foundation to move forward and learn more and I find myself really developing an interest (& being drawn to) posture, walking, body image, emotions and our body/personal well-being – a whole new world has opened up & it is both exciting and fascinating. It’s as if I found a “sunken treasure chest” and it so compliments the other studying/learning I’ve done over the past couple of years.

I also want to thank you for your wonderful teaching – your knowledge, training and experience is fabulous and you presented things in such a way as to be understandable even if we didn’t have an anatomy background, yet at the same time it was taught at a level that drew you into it and upward to a higher level of learning, awareness and possibility. It actually has had a very profound effect on me – like a reaching inside of myself and pulling something out that has been asleep.

The other students in the class were great – all different backgrounds and interests and all of us with different intentions – yet we all benefited so greatly from each other.

There was such a wonderful spirit there from everyone & I miss coming to class.

I think the thing that strikes me most about the body structure (& I’ve spent some time observing this as I walk) – is the wonderful gliding of the shoulder blades, the gliding of the pelvic bones and then the rolling of the knees and the rolling of the feet – it’s glide & roll, glide & roll. In my mind I see a graceful, moving human being who is whole and well and their body functioning as it is meant to. It is truly amazing! Thank you again for everything & I wish you lots of wonderful success as you too move forward and continue learning, teaching and contributing to others.

I’ll keep in touch for further classes in the fall and please feel free to use any of the above on your website (I still haven’t figured out the blog business) – the human body is much more interesting to me.”


General Feedback

“As I’m finishing off another year, I don’t want to let any more time go by without letting you know just how much 3-D Workout has meant to my health. I believe it was 2003 when I first saw you for injuries I sustained to my shoulder while skiing. It was extremely painful to move and your myofacial work, combined with the recommended movement exercises quickly enabled me to move in ways no physiotherapy or massage treatments had previously done.

When you began 3-D Workout classes, I was only too happy to sign up. I’ve always been active, always participated in some form of aerobics / yoga / pilates. Your classes are the only ones I’ve done for such a sustained period. I believe that’s in part because I don’t find the classes so strenuous that I’m wiped for a good chunk of time afterward. Mostly, though I do 3-D because it works. I have fairly significant osteoarthritis and if I don’t move, I suffer. My neck, shoulders, hips, knees, hands and feet are particularly affected. Doing the classes twice a week, and my own work at home, using an abridged version of 3-D based on your videos keeps me pain free.

So thank you. As I begin another season of my beloved skiing, I’m so very grateful for all you’ve helped me accomplish and I’m way overdue telling you so!”
