Moving from Within eBook + Streaming Video Membership Bundle


This bundle includes both the Moving from Within Manual and the Streaming Video Membership which provides access to the streaming BiM video library. This includes all the videos from the 3-D Workout Vol. I: The Basics, 3-D workout Vol. II: Building on the Basics, and 3-D Workout Vol. III: The Chair Edition, and the newly released Moving from Within companion videos to the Moving from Within manual, the Moving in Three Dimensions and Variations on Six Conventional Exercises videos, in addition to any new videos produced in the future for the duration of your membership!

Simply go to the Streaming Library, select a video to watch, and click play! Come back as often as you want, watch as much as you want, at the pace you want, whenever you want!

Read the Moving From Within eBook using most any ePub and eBook reader, including;