17 Dec Give the gift of health and independence
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In the “inchworm” sequence, this ‘cobra’ pose is just part of a dynamic whole-body flexion/extension sequence
Give the gift of health and independence
3-D Workout DVDs and classes offer tools for good living: independence, energy, an active life. 3-D Workout also sorts out those nagging aches and pains. Give yourself or a loved one the best gift of all, all year round.
Meeting with CMAs in Washington, DC
On Sunday December 8, despite less than ideal weather conditions, CMAs Ann Warren, Karen Bradley, Maureen O’Donnell and Gretchen Dunn met with me at my hotel in the Embassy Row area (saving me the travel to them). Esther Geiger anchors the DC CMAs, arranges gatherings on a regular basis and helped with this one. It was great to have face time with each other to hear about projects coming up in 2014.

In this elbow/knee crossing the midline sequence, the mover “wraps” the limbs around the spine, deepening the contralaterality of the crossover while anchoring the movement with the straight leg
From time to time I speak with Virginia Reed, CMA, President of LIMS, on her internet radio program, “A Woman’s Perspective. The program airs live on Friday mornings 10-11 a.m. at prn.fm (progressive radio network). I speak on fitness, recent research, ideas about movement and whatever I am currently working on. I spoke on this program three times in 2013: 31 May, 26 July, 8 Nov 2013. Visit the archive to listen to these programs.
YouTube videos and DVDs
The “Moving in Three Dimensions” videos have been well visited. This YouTube series embodies the idea that moving in all the planes works all the functions of our joints including rotation. Moving in space is what makes 3-D Workout a whole-body exercise program that sets it apart from conventional fitness. Connecting with space for fitness is a new idea but the feedback I’ve had tells me that the videos have also helped my students who have trouble imagining the space around them.
For our next DVD project, Michael Gatbonton and I are producing a chair version of 3-D Workout. It has 13 sequences in instructional and “practice-with-me” sections. It includes segments and testimonials from group classes in Oakville. Watch for 3-D Workout: The Chair Edition in the Body-in-Motion store in the New Year. As always, I love the creative process involved in making and teaching new material. Working spatially feels good and takes me out of the daily humdrum of screen time. Thanks to the many instructors who have requested a chair version for clients who don’t go to the floor and to my students who have served as guinea pigs in the chair work development.
Standing work station bargain
People who know I use a standing work station are often curious about how to arrange one. I visited the Halton Region Health Department this fall and saw several elegant adjustable, hydraulic desks being used there by staff. In the Niagara Region a study of the use of treadmill desks has just been completed. We’re finally getting out of our chairs. Yeah!
Such professional equipment can be quite pricey but here is a bargain version.
“I wanted to tell you that I have (finally) completed my stand up work station. I built it from parts from IKEA for the princely sum of $ 28! Visit this link to see the desk: Thanks to my colleague and long-time 3-D Workout student, Carla Hanna, at the Halton Region Health Department, in Oakville, Ontario for this story.
Bartenieff on Wikipedia
In recent years a number of articles on Rudolf Laban and on Laban Movement Analysis have appeared on Wikipedia. Now, thanks to Sandra Hooghwinkel, a CMA and software developer in the Netherlands, there is a biography of Irmgard Bartenieff. Sandra used my dissertation chapter on Irmgard as a base and solicited material from other printed sources and individuals (Peggy Hackney and Ann Hutchinson Guest, for example).
Sandra writes: “Together with the photographs of Irmgard provided through Wikimedia Commons by LIMS, it has become a great addition to the articles already there.” Here is the link: Wikipedia
Anatomist Thomas Myers may have coined the term “kinesthetic literacy”. I’m writing an essay on the topic and invite you to contribute your ideas of what KL is and how it is important to us. Send your thoughts to me at info@3dworkout.com.
Here’s a working version to get you started:
Kinesthetic literacy is an innate awareness of one’s own body movement and the ability to make choices about that movement.
And finally
Watch this inspiring video from the late Carl Sagan.