27 Jan Body-in-Motion Winter-Spring
Here we are, only eight weeks until “official” spring and the light is changing. Happy New Year to each of you–wishing you health, growth and happiness in 2015.
Webinars are new at Body-in-Motion
“A webinar, also called a Web seminar, teleseminar or netcast, is a video and audio presentation that is directed to a certain audience, such as a group of employees, students, clients or potential clients, whether all in the same place or in multiple locations. The ideal webinar audience is two to 250 people.”
In 2014 on October 27 and December 10, I offered my first webinars to 3-D Instructors. Ron Beleno helped me set these up and provided live technical and moral support during the events. Ron initiated the idea of webinars for the Body-in-Motion community.
The webinars will help me in my goal of supporting the 3-D instructors of which there are 36, spread over two continents. The content may include reviewing or expanding movement material, new ways of teaching sequences, and the opportunity to ask and answer. I will also teach Bartenieff Fundamentals™, what they’re about, why they work and what they accomplish when used properly. Other webinars for the general public will focus on creating a responsive body that moves well on demand such as “What’s whole-body exercise?”, “Align your spine” and “No more slips and falls.”
A webinar is easier to produce and more economical than a YouTube or DVD. Because it’s live there is no post-production, no travel and minimal equipment. The webinar is recorded so that those who sign up can view or review the event for a designated period using a link. A new schedule of webinars for 2015 will soon be available.
The Body-in-Motion team
Over the years many talented people have helped me. Meet the current B-i-M team.
Michael Gatbonton is a certified 3-D instructor, videographer and helper with many technical things. Michael has for many years been a personal trainer using 3-D Workout. He is currently working toward becoming a Pro-Trainer with Body-in-Motion to train and support new instructors. He is also a fitness consultant at Spartan Fitness where he has the opportunity to help people choose equipment that fits their goals.
Ron Beleno, my business coach, specializes in marketing in the digital world, vision planning, overall business solutions, and entrepreneurial life coaching for small business individuals. Most of his clientele come from the health and holistic community throughout parts of Canada and the US. With past successes in For-profit and Not-for-profit businesses, Ron’s skills in helping people “connect the dots” to their bigger goals are a great asset on the B-i-M team. On the side, he is an Alzheimer’s advocate supporting solutions for family and caregivers living with the disease and the general aging population.
Michael Rhodes is my long-time webmaster and manager of my on-line store. In addition to web development, he also works in the domain name industry, buying and selling domain names.
2014 was a busy year!
Do people still write those end-of-year letters that often go into Christmas greetings? Indulge me as I put together this summary of 2014 activity as a way of reminding myself that I am in some stage of retirement. With a lot of help, I brought out a new DVD, 3-D Workout: the Chair Edition; presented at the BMCA (Body Mind Centering Assoc.) Conference in Saratoga Springs, NY; did three interviews with Virginia Reed on prn.fm; gave a workshop at LIMS (invited by John Chanik) where I met Barnaby Ohrstrom, who would take both my intensive trainings for new 3-D instructors in Cobourg, ON last summer; taught a regular 3-D class here in Oakville; produced my first two webinars; and took a few salsa classes with a great teacher. My volunteer work with Dying with Dignity is ongoing. Along with another DWD volunteer, Herman Chang, we created and presented an Advance Care Plan workshop at Erin Mills United Church in Mississauga, ON.
What people are saying about 3-D Workout: The Chair Edition™
The dvd is brilliant in actualizing movement from the normally considered sedentary position. It is very the most creative use of chair work I have seen as I have dvds devoted to that subject and most stay frontal and one dimensional in use especially with weights. You bring in much need whole-part-whole embodiment to this area.
Cheryl Clark, LIMS Program Coordinator:
I just did the chair version and was amazed at what a great workout it was. You are brilliant in your teaching and exercises and clarity.
Vicki Berman, Level I instructor:
I just did a great workout with your DVD. I feel well-breathed! Your exercises show a lot of careful and thoughtful work and your DVD is well produced. I love the drawings of the cube and the foot and the split screen showing your front and side simultaneously.
Deborah Brandt, CMA and Dr. of Physical Therapy:
I especially like the cleanness of the background, the chair, the table, the hardwood floor, and the walls. [They] all give a sense of clarity and in some ways almost a metaphor for returning to the balance and clarity of our own bodies.
Milree Latimer, long time user of 3-D Workout:
Coming up in 2015:
On January 2 Virginia Reed interviewed me on prn.fm. My topic was “A Bartenieff body tune-up for 2015.” Preparing for these talks is fun and also crystallizes the many ideas that emerge as I teach and do my own regular practice of 3-D Workout. The program is archived at prn.fm.
On January 9 I gave a workshop for LIMS in NY. Thanks to Cheryl Clark and Jackie Hand for all their work on the ground. This workshop had a “rolling” theme that encompasses several ideas: baby rolling as a first method of moving from A to B, using rolling to keep whole-body movement health through life, and the lack of rolling ability in old age possibly leading to pressure sores. Who would have thought that rolling could be preventative?
On a holiday trip to Australia and New Zealand (Feb / Mar) I will re-charge, keep up with my personal practice, “3-D for Me” and enjoy the warm, down-under summer.
On April 19 I will be giving a 3-D Workout instructor refresher for LIMS at the University of Maryland. CMAs-in-training will gather with certified 3-D instructors to practice, observe and assist with new and familiar sequences. I will combine this trip with a reunion of my summer theatre buddies from 50 years ago in Ohio. And maybe the cherry blossoms will be out.
In late May I will travel to Belgium for the Body Mind Centering Association conference in Ghent. My study of mechanoreceptors (pressure sensors) in the body has yielded a series of self-massage sequences that I believe contribute to better posture, body awareness and connectedness. These will be the focus of my presentation in Belgium.
Hot chocolate for a cold winter’s night
My favourite comfort food is a non-dairy-no sugar hot chocolate. Mix a little vanilla flavoured rice milk in a mug with 1 t. of cocoa powder. Microwave for 30 seconds; fill the mug with rice milk, stir and microwave for 90 seconds. Yum! Imagine the variations: a little vanilla extract, a drop of stevia, or a dash of rum.